- Raleigh, NC
- Brussels
- Camping in Derbyshire
- Camping in Scotland
- Portsmouth
- Visitors: Helen and Steve
- Mum & Dad's HCG Charity Party
- Menorca
- Jane Tomlinson 10k.
So I'm going to be playing catchup. I'll try and cover the events above - in no particular order - over the next few weeks. On top of everything else, we're having the bathrooms done - loads to blog about really!
Anyway this weekend is my 1st free weekend for 11 weeks - eeeeeeeek - so we're not planning *anything* at all. Well, we are; sleeping, eating, chilling out. It's 11am and Dan's already been up and gone back to bed. We're both taking lysine (for stopping coldsores) and eating loads of fresh fruit and veg to try and boost our immune systems to stave off any nastiness which may ensue from being manically busy and then stopping.
Watch this space!
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