20 Feb 2009

I love work...

...I really do! In fact both of us do. It's kind of sad, but kind of good at the same time. We like to do a good job. We enjoy doing a good job, and we get frustrated when that doesn't happen. It makes for interesting conversations over the dinner table. Dan asks me about testing (he has to go through rigorous loops for the FDA on the boxes at AZ) and I ask him all sorts of things about the clever stuff he does!


...holidays are good too. Without them we'd not be quite so keen, I don't think, to work as hard as we do. We'd probably not be as sharp or focused. I reckon we'd just not be as bothered!!!

Our next THREE hols are planned out already.

1) Cottage in the lakes (an open fire and a pub within walking distance are the 2 essential requirements when we do a search cottages4you.co.uk) there will be wine, food, LOADS of chat, I'll probably write lists, letters, blog posts. Ahhhhh Bliss.

2) Nice, an unspecified week with a weekend in Pompey at the beginning. We're thinking some more Pompey action, or possibly another cottage somewhere half way home - maybe cotswolds?

3) New York and Las Vegas - wahhhhhhh! I'm excited about NY, I've been on several occasions before but never this long. We can really relax, get into the time zone, walk all over the city, and generally make ourselves at home. Then of course, Las Vegas. I'm kind of dreading and looking forward to it all at the same time!

After that, well it's going to be Venice later on in the year! Not booked but definitely planned! How great are holidays?!

1 comment:

  1. Another great post Liza, thanks. What does old man Dan do that requires FDA involvement? Nothing to with Peanut Butter I hope!

    Why go to Venice when you can have the real deal in Vegas?

    Rosie's Vineyard, The Wine Vaults,and A Fistful of Tacos are still open in Southsea!

    Cheers, Andy.


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