7 Apr 2010

Better than a poke in the eye with a Rich Tea

So yesterday, in a little lull in the workaday proceedings, we were Googling "Thick Rich Tea" biscuits coz someone remembers having them, years ago, and we were, in fact, eating normal Rich Tea.

OK, well, it seemed important at the time! (And it was the Customer who mentioned the think Rich Tea!)

The Google search results brought me to this Telegraph article regarding the dangers of biscuit eating.

I never knew how much danger I was putting myself under for the sake of a bourbon creme. 

Read it! It's not a joke. It's not the 1st April. 

I read out a couple of snippets...we all sniggered and thought it was quite funny.

I then went back to the google search results & found a related article....Attack of the killer Custard Creams.
It's from the Guradian's excellent  'comment is free' website (something I've mentioned before in previous blogs).

It's dated the day after the Telegraph report on the dangers of biscuit eating. Clearly the author was as shocked and traumatised as I was on hearing the news that a custard cream was virtually a lethal weapon.

You must read it. Here is the link again ---> ..Attack of the killer Custard Creams.

A superior piece of journalism. I particularly like the reference to the brandy snap. You'll see why.

It should have its own health warning though, as I was reading out bits of this to my interested colleagues, I could hardly breathe and nearly choked on my Rich Tea. Another example of life imitating art, I suppose. The irony was not lost on me.

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