18 Feb 2011

1st full day

Ok so with the time difference, the jet lag, and general confusion, I'm still not sure what day it is!!!

Today, I think, is Wednesday, and we've been out for a full day's wanderings around the local environs.

I've been wearing my pedometer and the 16,500 steps add up to approximately 12k! Wow...I do like walking when on holiday...I never get anywhere near that many steps when at home.

Anyway, where have we been...

A little bit all over the place really - it's kind of what we do when we're in a place for the 1st time. Walk - see something interesting, walk - see something else interesting...walk over that way. So it's meandering and circuitous, but starts to give you a feel of the place.

Dan has already been Mr Happy Snappy with the new CanonEOS - 128 pics today, and counting. I'm going to be uploading them to picasa but in the meantime I will publish a few here...

Here are all the other posts on our Hong Kong trip

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