OK well after a month on the drive, my little 206 seemed to have clapped out - completely flat battery! Now, normally we'd just call the RAC to come and sort it out for us, but this week we decided to 'have a go' ourselves. Now, this is no mean thing, as we're traditionally not that good at doing practical stuff!
Th first challenge was getting the car battery out of the car - I'm SURE I had a socket set somewhere...but can I find it? NO! So with the help of a bicycle spanner and a pair of pliers we managed to undo 3 out of the 4 bolts holding the battery down. The 4th one just would not budge! I was dispatched to find a socket set....Sainsbury's fortunately managed to come up trumps with a super set for £4.99! Final bolt removed, we then had to suss out the charger! Does red go to + or - ??? Anyway, having finally got the battery on charge, it was just a matter of waiting.
About 4 hours later, the light on the charger went green and I managed to get the battery terminals connected.
EUREKA! The car then started! It's a small victory, but is a victory nonetheless!!!!
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