9 Oct 2007

Imposter on google chat?

So I'm on gmail the other day and Mum's name went to green status - meaning she's online. Now, remembering that I'd given her password to Dan so that he could check the status of her new laptop order...the conversation went like this

14:38 me: dan is that you
or is it mum?

37 minutes

15:16 Veronica: nortee
its ur mum
stinky daughter

33 minutes
15:50 me: hmmmm i think your spelling has deteriorated somewhat, mother dearest

53 minutes
16:43 Veronica: oy my little scratter li
i always wanted to say that but never could
But i can now on this chat thing :)
16:44 so how's u doing?
me: heheehe

So, unless Mum has started with the Altzheimers - I think I need to be careful who I'm chatting to!

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