29 Dec 2007

Cooking Stress aka 'Prawnettone'

It's been a lovely Christmas, quite quiet, and 'at-homey' which is nice given that we've not had any holidays left to take! Christmas Day itself was lovely - and (even though I do say so myself) the dinner was FANTASTIC. However, when cooking the dinner, Dan and I did find it a bit stressful. There are just so many PARTS to a roasty dinner, and they all have to come together at the right moment in order to make it all work! It did come a bit close to failing when I smelled something fishy once or twice, then realised that Dan, in his keenness to get the prawns defrosted, had placed the bag of frozen prawns on top of the boiler, and the bag was leaking prawn juice on to all the things underneath....bottles of wine, knives, a chopping board, the panettone for the bread and butter pudding! Fortunately most of the things were washable - apart from the panettone which was totally soaked - fortunately the cake itself was double wrapped in cellophane and it was only the box that was prawnified. It DID give us a little bit of extra stress on the day - and we managed to have a laugh by renaming the panettone to PRAWNETTONE! Who knows, it may catch on!

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