19 Dec 2009

Labels - what are they?

I've started trying to categorise the blog posts we write by adding labels. I started doing it initially, when we first wrote the blog back in 2007, but there didn't seem much point back then as I only had one post per category - I'd not written enough entries really to warrant categorising them.

However, now, looking back at the posts as a 'body of work', I'd actually like to bring up related posts together to be able to present them retrospectively to new readers, as opposed to those of you who have been following them in real time.

See what you think - I've added a labels widget below left. It shows all the lables in order of how many posts have been tagged with that label.

If you click on one, it should bring up all the posts I have tagged with that label.

Interestingly the top few are 'Holidays' 'Travel' and 'Food'!!! I wonder why that is????

This is what they look like at the time of posting this blog entry - but I'm nowhere near through getting all my posts retrospectively tagged, so this may change a little over time.


holidays (35) travel (35) food (17) internet-finds (13) Aus (12) techie (12) Raleigh (10) blogging (10) NZ (9) friends (9) sewing (8) work (7) concert (6) family (5) camping (4) moblog (4) break-in (3) countdown (3) fun (3) pain (3) rant (3) Fallas (2) London (2) Rome (2) Valencia (2) drinking (2) house (2) nice (2) panic (2) yorkshire (2) Italy (1) beginning (1) comment (1) gear (1) vodafone (1) zoo (1)

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