Hmmmm! I'm not very good at this jet lag lark. Those of you who know me well will know that I'm a kind of 'early to bed, early to rise' kind of person. I sleep when I feel tired (any time after about 9pm) and wake up when I'm not tired (any time from about 6am) and I've never had to set an alarm for work my whole career.
This whole changing time zones thing has got my head all of a mess. It took about 3 days in Sydney to get into the zone, and then the night that Dan and I stayed up in Ian & Lloyd's house drinking until 5:30am set us back another week! I'm convinced that jet lag is as much to do with the fact that you spend X amount of your night time hours sitting on a plane not getting any sleep, as with the fact that your day becomes night and vice versa.
There are many pices of advice available on the subject, but the main one seems to be 'stay awake during daylight hours at your destination'. The problem is....I CAN'T! I got to 6pm Thursday (yesterday) evening and I had a splitting headache, was seeing double and felt like I was going to be sick. Yes, these are my 'over tiredness' symptoms which have caused me to pass out on more than one occasion when I've stayed up late a couple of nights in a row. I don't really understand why my reaction to lack of sleep is so severe. Dan seems to be able just to switch of the 'tiredness switch' in his head at will. I just collapse. God help me if I ever had kids!
So this post finds me at 04:32 on Thursday morning, having been awake since 1am (and asleep before that since 6pm!!!!) completely and utterly awake, surfing, working out things we need to do over the weekend, and genrally not even beginning to get over the jet lag/missing night's sleep which has occured. I hate to think what a state I'm going to be in by Monday! OH JOY!
L x
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